
Browsing, Graphing, and Reporting

iList Data supports ten find modes plus inline and summary graphs for browsing data graphically. Create bar, line, and pie graphs. View bar, line, and dot graphs inline with your data.

Create up to five reports per table. Create unlimited dynamic reports that change depending on what record is selected. Send reports to iList Data's Report palette or to your web browser. Add headers and footers and use HTML to format and layout your reports.

Click on the screenshot above to view iList Data's inline and summary graphing features close up. Access to iList Data's ten search modes is via the Find menu. Reports can also be easily created as shown on the right. With its integrated support for graphing and the simple editing of reports, iList Data is an ideal educational tool for teaching data management skills to students of all ages.

iList Data's ten find modes include:

  • Find Records: Search for records using a user designed find window.
  • Find Via SQL: Build a custom SQL query. Features support for relational queries.
  • Find By Value: Search for unique field values.
  • Find Within: Constrain the current search to include less records.
  • Find Extend: Broaden the current search to include more records.
  • Find on Field: Display all records that match a selected field value.
  • Find Parent: Display all records that match the subset of a selected field value.
  • Find Across: Navigate from the current table to a related table via a common field value.
  • Find All Records: Display all of the records in the current table.
  • Find Last Created: Display the last created record in the current table.
